Lookup Function - Pay Rate Table


I'm trying to create a formula to pull rates setup on the Pay Rates table in PR. The Fields I used are "Employee" and "Job". When i use the lookup function on a custom public formula to look up a rate from my table i get an error "Too many Parameters". My formula is LOOKUP(Rate (PR Pay Rate Table),"RateTableName",Employee (PR Time),Job (PR Time)). If i modify the Pay Rate table to only one field such as Employee, i can get the formula to work. Why would the Lookup be limited if i add "Job" to the table?

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi Nathan,

    You can see an example of a formula to pull a rate from a rate table by goign to Payroll, Tools, Formulas. Click Index and select PR Formulas. The formula PR Rate Table Base Rate pulls the pay rate from the CERTIFIED pay rate table which uses the Job, Certified Class, and Certified? columns. You can copy this formula and change it to meet the criteria for your specific rate table.


  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi Nathan,

    You can see an example of a formula to pull a rate from a rate table by goign to Payroll, Tools, Formulas. Click Index and select PR Formulas. The formula PR Rate Table Base Rate pulls the pay rate from the CERTIFIED pay rate table which uses the Job, Certified Class, and Certified? columns. You can copy this formula and change it to meet the criteria for your specific rate table.

