fixed assets - dispose function error - context is incorrect


Created an asset transaction w/o invoice. Processed it with Movements/ Dispose - no issues there. However, status of context was off: Value: Inactive - green, Calculated - red, Posted green, Flow: No, Closing no.  We then did a recalculation of the DEPR with the "force the depreciation calculation" function - error  20: File Non--existent.  We cancelled the disposal, status of context is freed/ green.  Retried, same error. Anyone have any ideas

300275392 UT dispose.docx

  • 0

    Hello Susan Hansen,

    The issue is solved since X3 V11.0.13 and X3 V12.0.17. The issue was related to the KFR activity code when inactive and because of that the field THESLI=0.

    The THESLI value can never be equal to zero (0). Therefore, the THESLI field should have a value in the FXDASSETS table according to this rule:

    If TAXTYP <> 2 (BNPTF or Ex-field): THESLI = 5

    If TAXTYP = 2 = BPTF and PURDAT <01/01/1996: THESLI = 10

    If TAXTYP = 2 = BPTF and PURDAT> = 01/01/1996: THESLI = 20