workflow- to sales order lines cost center

Hi- have a request that I'm not sure is possible.  Our user is requesting a workflow be sent to the user associated with the cost center on the sales order line.   Since the SORDERP table does not have the cost center field I believe would need to enter a data model and link cptanalin table to sorderp.   I'm having issues with this part if this is even the way to go.  Would anyone know of a better way? 



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  • in reply to G@G

    below is the data model I have configured however user not receiving email.  I don't believe this is possible because I need to link the cost center field (cce2) on the users account to the cost center on cptanalin.  I didn't get any errors creating the data model.   On the WF receipient tab i'm using he email from the user but believe its not working because its not linked properly.   :-(  thanks

  • in reply to Christine T.

    How workflow will know user who must receive email as several users can have the same dimension entered in cce(2) field, even if you will have only one user, why do you have one-to-many link type used for AUTILIS table?
    Have you tried to execute workflow using debug mode to see all the steps taken at that moment, can you share the result?

  • in reply to G@G

    I have the cost center displayed on the users account so was hoping that the cost center on the SO line can be linked to the cost center on users account and send email that is entered on the users account.  again- don't think this is possible as don't see how I can link the cost center field to the users account. thanks for reply. c