Resolve Pending Issues for Lot Managed products


Hello wise people of the Sage City,

For a customer we had allowed negative stock on ingredients/raw materials to prevent constantly having to stop production because tracking returns an error due to stock being unavailable. Allowing negative stock results in Pending Issues and these can be resolved by enabling 'Autoprocess shortages' in the Stock Parameters, or using 'Adjusment of Stock Shortages' (FUNSHTSEL). But only when the product with pending issues is not lot managed can this be done automatically or for the whole list at once. For lot managed products it can only be done line by line. When trying to select the lines in FUNSHTSEL Sage says it needs to lot info and can't automatically determine it. And in our case there are many lines to process.

Does anyone know of an efficient way to process the pending issues for stock managed products?

An idea I had was to temporarily switch off the lot management for the product concerned to allow processing the pending issues lines for it in one go. And tests have not shown any strange side effects so far, but please shout if you know of any reason not to try resolve pending issues using that idea.



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