WebScheduling X3 interfase logs


Hi all,

We are having problems with the total import from the Analytics.

The logs on the sedApta side show that a request is made but doesn't get an answer from the Sage Server. It does`t happen all the time, since sometimes the import process finishes; sometimes takes a loooong time and sometimes it gets freezed there.

Happens with Total or Partial imports.

It freezes or delays here:

Does anyone know if there are any logs recorded in the X3 side of this data request?

So we can find out where the connection is getting lost.

I already got the logs on the sedApta side.

Thanks a lot!

Top Replies

  • Hi , you can find some of the X3 logging tools under Administration, Settings, Global settings. In the Global settings function, there is a section called "Logs". You and change any of these…

  • +1
    verified answer

    Hi , you can find some of the X3 logging tools under Administration, Settings, Global settings. In the Global settings function, there is a section called "Logs". You and change any of these to Debug to gain more insight into what is "coming in" or "going out" from X3

    The logging you enable here will be written to the syracuse log files. I may suggest you enable Http in / out to debug and see if you get anything better information.

    Lastly, if you have not already, I would also suggest discussing with your Business Partner or Local Sage Support Group for further investigation (if you get stumped). 

  • 0 in reply to chris hann

    Already found them, thanks a lot!

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