Difference of Table Fields and Screen Field

Hi All,
I have been using table fields to upload and connect it to its respective screens while working on an import template.

But in address tab it uses "Screen fields"

Does anyone understand the purpose or difference between the following fields in the table and screen?

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    Hello Babylen,

    If you look at the screen definition in detail - block 1 is set as Table (Grid) and the fields codes match the table.

    Then you will find Block 2 that is set as Lists where your X* fields are present -  the ones that the user see and interacts with..

    You will notice that the fields in block 1 but the Address code are set as “hidden”.

    When you load a BP record all the addresses get into BLock 1 but you can only see the addresses codes and you can select the multiple ones there.

    When you select an Address code then that information gets loaded from the hidden grid to the X* fields and that is what you see.

    When you make a change to the X* field values - the after change event replicates the value to the relevant  hidden fields and it is saved from there.

    When using Import template - the import process maps directly from the template field to the Table and doesn’t follow the logic/steps explained above - so essentially your table field “BPAADDLIG” is the one shown in the screen as “XBPAADDLIG” . So where you have an X* just drop the X to know what field from the table you need to target.

    Hope it helps!