One Quality Control record per Source Document


When you make a production tracking or a receipt in X3, you get an analysis request; it's one analysis per transaction. I want to be able to append all production trackings under one work order on the same analysis request. Is this possible in Sage X3?

Top Replies

  • Hi  

    This is not possible in standard.

    Even using custom development the request would be tricky as you can produce partially on Monday and then the rest can be produced on Wednesday. So by…

  • +1
    verified answer


    This is not possible in standard.

    Even using custom development the request would be tricky as you can produce partially on Monday and then the rest can be produced on Wednesday. So by the time of the last production tracking, the quality control (QC) might be over already.

    A standard workaround would be to disable the QC generation linked to production tracking and then, when the WO is completed, you can manually create the QC for the entire quantity produced in status Q using the function Analysis request GESQCR.

    The downside, is extra manual work and delaying the start of the quality control process.

  • 0 in reply to Julien Patureau

    Hi  , thank you for the quick reply. Even in the case today, we end up delaying the QC to the point where we have to wait until the WO complete because a variable final package weight is produced that we can't release QC for until it is produced. We are avoiding the use of key efficiency opportunities because of these technicalities; we can't use ADC > Production Reporting because each tracking produced there makes both a unique sublot as well as a unique analysis request (unless you keep an eternal queue open on a scanner). There's just a lot of potential in X3 that we can't seem to use because of this issue, and that makes it a pain to use all around.

    I think you really nailed what I want, though. I want to be able to create any number of production trackings and have an analysis request that appends each of these trackings on one analysis request until the work order is closed. This is exactly what "Stock change transactions" do, so I just wish this was what happened with subsequent production trackings as well.

    Thanks again. Look forward to exploring more later.

  • 0

    Good day  

    I have personally made use of the entry point QLH_CRIT in source file STKMAJ. If all declarations are done for the same Works Order, then setting the value of the parameter WQLH_CRIT, you can ensure that all declarations are grouped within the same QC record. I am not sure if this functionality will apply to the new Mobile Automation Client (ADC), but its worth a shot.

  • 0 in reply to Regard Hulsbos

    Now that is some welcome news...we've been racking our brains for years trying to accommodate for the current tracking situation. Now knowing we can go this way, maybe we can relieve some pressure on the teams. I'll report back when I have confirmed that this worked for us, thank you!