Webservices Publish (SOH) - Too many published fields


Hi, when we attempt to publish the SOH object to webservices we receive the following error:

SOH WEB: Too many published fields 81161 /(65000)

Has anyone seen this error and know how to resolve it?

All other objects that we've tried to publish work without issue (BPC, PAY, POH, SDH).

Version: 6.5 Patch 23 (with NA localisations).

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    verified answer

    Sage ERP X3 traps for a condition any time the number of variables to be attempting to be published exceeds 65,000 inside some supervisor code. That includes all the tables and screens referenced for the object you are trying to publish. It may also include the "Additional Screens" referenced on the object. And don't forget, a field can have one or many dimensions. If you write a quick query to the AMSKZON table, limit by screens associated with the object, and then order by the dimensions descending you'll see that many of the fields associated with the SOH object have 300 dimensions each. Couple that with all the tables that a Sales Order must understand (not just the sales order header table, but also the address lines and more) then you can exceed that.

    My suggestion is to:

    1. Update to the latest patch and test again

    2. Make sure you've assigned the WEB transaction entry. If you don't have that installed it's possible you aren't using XA41, the web services add-on by NA. That particular add-on has tuned certain objects, SOH being one of them to help with these types of scenarios and more.

    3. If you still have a problem at that point open up a case with Support and we'll track down the problem for you.

  • 0 in reply to Delamater

    Delamater, thanks for your reply.

    We worked it out; amazing we've never hit this previously.

  • 0 in reply to James Hutchison

    That's great. Glad it's resolved. Oh and sorry, I forgot to mention the obvious above which was implied, try to publish a fewer number of fields. It adds up quick with all those dimensions. Sounds like that's what you did. Anyways, happy coding!

  • 0 in reply to Delamater
    fixed, unchecked unnecessary fields from "Setup>Sales>Entry Transaction> orders", and that in V7.
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    also i tried to unchecked some fields in "Setup>Sales>Entry Transaction>orders", and it worked for me.
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    Too many published fields 

    Estou com apenas 400 campos publicados, porém estou com problema de muitos campos publicados 136.000 e o maximo seria 65000, porém tenho apenas 400 campos, acredito que devemos limpar uma pasta temporaria no Servidor de Aplicacoes WEB Syracure

    Alguem poderia me indicar qual pasta fica os arquivos temporarios do syracure para Web Service (stubs)