Voucher Management Error


I have these errors in the Voucher Management module whenever I try to create a Customer/Supplier/General Ledger Voucher, Print a Customer/Supplier/General Ledger Voucher and also in the Voucher Management Defaults UI as attached hereunder.

I have uninstalled my antivirus on the PC and also used another PC without an Anti-Virus yet these errors persist.

Please what do I need to do to fix these errors?


  • 0

    Good day.

    I have been following closely this conversation. We have been battling with the same issue for weeks now. After trying everything we could possible think of, silly as it may sound, we ran the application as administrator (even though the windows account logged on is an administrator). This resolved our issue. We then made sure that the attached is set on the application - we have had no issue since. Perhaps it might help!

    Many thanks,


  • 0

    Good day.

    I have been following closely this conversation. We have been battling with the same issue for weeks now. After trying everything we could possible think of, silly as it may sound, we ran the application as administrator (even though the windows account logged on is an administrator). This resolved our issue. We then made sure that the attached is set on the application - we have had no issue since. Perhaps it might help!

    Many thanks,


  • 0 in reply to Emelda Makamba

    Hi Makamba,

    Thanks for your feedback. We have also done same without any success.



  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Hi Alex

    Please consider the following advice:

    1. On one of the PC's where the above error is observed: Go to Control Panel | Programs and Features | Turn Windows features on or off

    Take a screenshot of the section I have below and paste it on this chat 

    2. If the above options are not selected: Ensure Evolution is completely closed on the local PC, select the options marked above and then open Evolution company. 

    Is the same error still observed? 

    Kind Regards


  • 0 in reply to Emelda Makamba

    Thanks so much for you input here, Emelda!

    At least its yet another solution we can consider in the future 

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    Here it goes as requested...

    I have done as instructed yet without any success.



  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Thanks Alex

    Please confirm the following:

    1. Open the currently installed Evolution folder on one of the problematic workstations where the above error is observed, 

    e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage Evolution

    2. In here, open the VM sub-folder

    3. Right Click Properties on the Core.dll file and go to the Details tab

    4. Take a screenshot of what you see and paste it in this chat. My example below 

    5. Also, on the same workstation, within the Evolution company, go to Utilities | Manage Extensions

    6. At the bottom of the screen, click the button called Manage Add-Ins

    7. Take a screenshot and also paste in here, so that at least the Voucher Management record is included

    E.g. here is my example

    8. If you go to Help | About, is the version

    9. Finally, on the same workstation, what is the User Account Control setting (within the Control Panel | User Accounts)?

    Please paste a screenshot in here. Mine is below. 

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    Here it goes as requested.

    We upgraded to version thinking it will solve the problem but all to no avail


    Alex Kato

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Thanks Alex

    I'm currently working on the following hypothesis:

    There may be an incompatibility between the installed Evolution version, vs the installed Voucher Management install

    I'll soon get back to you on this matter with more advise 



  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Alex

    Do you know how to run SQL queries in MS SQL Management Studio on an Evolution database?

    If yes, please run the following SQL script on the company DB 

    select * from _etblAddInRegister

    Then send me a screenshot of this results 

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    Here it goes as requested...

    Thank you.

  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Thanks Alex

    I'll discuss your query with Evolution Support and soon get back to you with an update 

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Thanks Bennie,

    Expectantly waiting for a solution!

  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Hi Alex

    I discussed your query today with Evolution Development and they believe this query may be due to some kind of company database corruption.

    Therefore, to prove this hypothesis, please do the following:

    1. Create a brand new Evolution company with your own records:

    1) Create 5 new customers

    2) Create 5 new suppliers

    2. Now process a couple of transactions in Voucher Management and let me know is you can also recreate the above error.

    If not, it means your query are then most certainly company DB related. In that case I will then require a copy of your latest company backup to further investigate in my side.

    Please keep me updated on your findings.



  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    I did as you instruct but still have the same issue. How do I send the database backup to you?


  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Thanks Alex

    I'm carefully optimistic here but I think we made breakthrough on your query Slight smile

    Note the following feedback I received from another client who had the same VM error as you:

    In my research this morning as I was helping to troubles shoot on my end I have discovered 2 outcomes;

    VM for v11 seems to have issues with its dlls loading when a user uses a Microsoft account( whether the user is administrator or not)

    If you create a local account and do not link it with Microsoft account, whether it’s a std account or an administrator account, the VM works.


    I then asked the client the following:

    But please confirm:

    What do you mean exactly with a Microsoft account? Where exactly is this account used?


    The client responded as follow:

    I mean using the procedure below rather than local account.


    I then asked the client the following:

    I’m just a bit confused here:

    Are you telling me you logon on to the PC no in the usual way of simply catting the password for the default Windows account?

    But instead you’re using a different way of logging onto the PC?

    Sorry, the above may seem like stupid questions but I just want to make sure, we’re on the same page here

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    I am also confused but to put the records straight, our User Accounts are LOCAL and NOT connected to a Microsoft Account!



  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Yip, me too Slight smile
    But I've arrange a meeting with the other VM client and will soon update you further.

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Good Morning Alex

    Please note the following query that I logged with Evolution Development yesterday after having a detailed discussion with another Evolution client having the same VM error as yourself:

    Please assist with the following query:

    The following error message is displayed in Voucher Management when clicking on any dropdown in any kind of transaction screen 


    We made sure that the .NetFramework option for 3.5 and ASP.Net 4.8 is selected in the Control Panel | Turn Windows Features on or of screen


    Please also note the following:

    The BP created a non-Microsoft user account on his client's workstations where the above error is displayed, and doing that resolved the error.


    However, the same error is also observed on the BP's own laptop and even after he applied the same 'work around' the same error still persists on his PC's VM transaction screen. 

    There are two ways to create a user account on a Windows PC. One way is to create a non-Microsoft Windows user account, and that is described in the attached document called 'Creating a non-Microsoft Windows user account'

    Creating a non-Microsoft Windows user account.docx


    So the questions to be answered:

    1) What can cause the above error?

    2) Why is working with a non-Microsoft user account resolving the error on at least the BP's client's workstations? 

    3) Could it perhaps be due to certain security measures that Microsoft type Windows user accounts apply and that somehow affects VM?


    And using a non-Microsoft type Windows user account is not applying the same security measures/policy? 

    NOTE that this error is not due to a defect as its working fine on my PC and others.


    This query is a combination between Evolution and the local PC / environment.

    I have two separate clients' queries with the same error in Evo ver 11


  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    As soon as there is any kind of constructive feedback I'll update you on this matter.



  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Good Morning Bennie,

    Thank you for the good work you are doing to resolve this issue. God bless you!

    Out of curiosity I also created a Local Account but the story is not different from what it has been.

    Expectantly waiting for favorable feedback.



  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Hi Alex

    Yes, bless you and your loved ones too! Slight smile

    Can you please try the following:

    1. Close Evolution.

    2. Go to the installed Evolution folder e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Sage Evolution

    3. In here find the VM folder and then give it full share rights: Read and Full Write access for all users and even add your own normal Windows account also as a user with these rights

    4. Now open the Evolution company and test if there is any improvements?

    Please update me on this chat.

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    I have done as instructed but there is no improvement


  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Thanks Alex

    I'm currently still awaiting feedback from Evo Dev on my latest query to them as mentioned above

    Please also confirm:

    In what country are your company and where you're staying?

    My other client with the same query is working for a BP called ESN'B (Pty) Ltd

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    Expectantly waiting for favorable feedback from you!

    We are a company based in Nigeria and I live in Abuja, Nigeria.



  • 0 in reply to Alex Kato

    Thanks Alex

     I really hope to get an update from Evolution Dev by Tuesday 15 Nov 2022 at the latest.

    Have a great week!

  • 0 in reply to Bennie Pienaar

    Hi Bennie,

    Thank you so much, I can't wait!

    Have a blessed week too.
