These articles provide guidance on generating and understanding the OID report (also known as WCA/COIDA report on the payroll) to complete your online submission to the Department of Labour.
- Why should a company submit a Return of Earnings (CF-2A) to the Compensation Fund annually?
- What is the deadline for submission of the 2023 Return of Earnings (CF-2A) to the Compensation Fund?
- What are the OID limits for the current and previous assessment years?
- Where do I view or update the Annual OID limit (earnings threshold) on the system?
- How do I generate the OID Report from my payroll?
- What are the OID Report changes from Release 6.2a?
- OID Reporting: Examples how the values are reported as from Release 6.2a
- Which employees are included in the OID report?
- How do I exclude an employee from the OID report?
- Which earnings should I include in my OID report selection?
- Where can I find more details on the calculation of values on the OID report prior to Release 6.2a?
- Where can I find more details on the calculation of values on the OID report as from Release 6.2a?
- How do I group or consolidate my OID reports for multiple companies?
- Why does my Director not appear on my OID report?
Important links to the Department of Employment and Labour: