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Sage VIP Classic and Premier Year-end Centre
Sage VIP Classic and Premier Year-end Centre
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Year-end articles
If ETI qualifying 12 month period indicator (code 7005) is 1, then If Monthly calculated ETI (code 7004) cannot be greater than R1000 for ETI Month XX
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Tax Year-end Submission Process
Tax Year-end Timeline - what should be done when?
SARS Submission: How do I prepare and reconcile my payroll for submission?
Known IRP5/IT3a Validation and SARS e@syFile errors
IRP5/IT3a Report Validation Errors
Troubleshooting SARS e@syFile import errors
Alternative Identification Number should have format CCYY/NNNNNN/NN when Alternate Identification Type is 1 - code 3066
Cannot save certificate Error # 1009
Certificate Number (Transaction Year) does not match
Code 4120 is mandatory if any value specified for Medical Scheme Contributions (4005) and the employee is 65 years or older
Code 4472 is completed, then code 3817 and/or 3867 and code 4001 must be completed
Code 4473 is completed, then code 3825 and code 4003 must be completed
Code 4475 is completed, then code 3828 and code 4006 must be completed
Control Character Found on Employee Data Certificate Number
Could not change to the selected employer Error #1009
Date Employed To cannot be earlier that the date completed in 'date employed from' (code 3170) Period Employed From Date cannot be after Period Employed To Date - 3180
Employer NOT updated Error code is 3115
Employer SEZ Code invalid - code 2083
Employer SIC7 Code mandatory if Period of Reconciliation (2031) is 201402 or later - code 2082
Employment Tax Incentive Indicator (3026) must be 'N' if Employment date (3190) is not completed - Code 3026
Employment Tax Incentive indicator is 'Y' and Nature of person (3020) must be A or C or R or M; Code 3026
If certificate type is IRP5, code 4101, code 4102 and/or 4115 must have a value - code 3015
If ETI qualifying 12 month period indicator (code 7005) is 1, then If Monthly calculated ETI (code 7004) cannot be greater than R1000 for ETI Month XX
If ETI qualifying 12 month period indicator (code 7005) is 2, then If Monthly calculated ETI (code 7004) cannot be greater than R500 for ETI Month XX
If Monthly calculated ETI (code 7004) greater than zero, then the Remuneration Paid (code 7002) and Wage Paid (code 7008) and ETI Hours (Code 7007) must be greater than zero for ETI Month XX
Import Unsuccessful: e@syFile cannot work with the current format of this file
Invalid format ... for code...
IRP5 cannot be indicated if the PAYE number starts with either 0, 1, 2 or 9 - code 3015
Payroll file import failed
Period Employed To Date cannot be greater than current date + 30 days - code 3180
SDL Contribution mandatory
Source Code 3615 not valid for Tax Year 2019
Source Code xxxx not valid for Tax Year xxxx
The ETI Calculated reported on the EMP501 does not balance with the IRP5/IT3(a) certificates
When Employment Tax Incentive indicator (3026) is 'Y' then Employment Date (3190) must be on or after 01/10/2013
General Reconciliation Guidelines and Resolving Known Errors
SARS Submission: How do I submit my reconciliation and tax certificates to SARS?
Frequently Asked Questions during Tax Year-end
Africa Taxation Summaries and Calculators
Who should I contact for assistance?
SARS e@syFile Assistance
SARS eFiling Assistance
Tax Year-end Training
Return of Earnings (CF-2A) Submission
Sage Support Channels
Mid-year Centre for Employer Interim Reconciliation Submission
If ETI qualifying 12 month period indicator (code 7005) is 1, then If Monthly calculated ETI (code 7004) cannot be greater than R1000 for ETI Month XX
to access the Sage Knowledgebase article that will guide you through the solution process
then If Monthly calculated ETI (code 7004) cannot be greater than R1000 for ETI Month XX
If ETI qualifying 12 month period indicator (code 7005) is 1