The following errors may appear when you import the IRP5 file into the SARS e@syfile system. These solutions will guide you with fixing the errors, so that you are able to successfully import your IRP5 files.
If you are unable to find the specific SARS e@syFile import error solution on this page, please visit to search the extensive database for solutions.
Take note, that only successful Test and Live Run files should be imported in the SARS e@syfile.
- If Monthly calculated ETI (code 7004) greater than zero
- Source Code xxx not valid for tax year xxxx
- SDL Contribution mandatory
- The ETI Calculated reported on the EMP501 does not balance with the IRP5/IT3(a) certificates
- When Employment Tax Incentive indicator (3026) is Y then Employment Date (3190) must be on or after 01102013